Bach Flower Remedies
How to take the remedies
Bach Flower Remedies are completely natural and are extremely safe, producing no harmful side-effects. They may also be taken alongside all medications with no risk of conflict. You cannot overdose on them, and if an inappropriate Remedy is taken it will not cause any ill effects.
The Remedies can be taken internally by people of all ages from babies to the elderly. Even pets and plants will benefit.
The 'glass of water' method
For short-term moods and problems put two drops of each selected remedy in a glass of water. Sip as often as required until relief is obtained. If using the pre-mixed emergency formula, add four drops to the glass instead of two. You can use this method for longer-term problems as well. Just sip from the glass throughout the day, at least four times a day - and keep the glass in the 'fridge or make up a fresh glass each day.
Treatment bottles
This is the traditional way of taking Flower Remedies.
You may take a single Bach Flower Remedy or a combination of Remedies up to a maximum of six.
To prepare a Remedy almost fill a 30ml dropper bottle with pure spring water and add a teaspoon of brandy which will help keep the water from going off.
If you don't want to use brandy, use cider vinegar or glycerine instead. Then add two drops of each of your chosen Remedies. Then gently shake the bottle and it is ready for use. Take four drops at least four times a day, either straight on the tongue or in some water. Drops may be added to a baby’s bottle or if breastfeeding the mother should take the appropriate Remedies. However, as you use the Flower Remedies I urge you to be creative.
Oils and Creams
Flower Remedies may also be added to oils, creams, lotions and ointments. Add a few drops to a massage oil or an aromatherapy blend to enhance the treatment. For example if a person was grieving and clinging to the past than one may use the essential oil Frankincense combined with the Bach Flower Remedy Honeysuckle. To help to cope with the effects of change, for example during the menopause, the essential oil Cypress and the flower remedy Walnut would make an excellent combination.