Aromatherapy and Much More!

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Availability: In stock

Detoxifying / Stimulant / Eliminative / Tonic / Get up and go / Warming / Restorative
Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper (10mls)

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper (30mls)

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper (100mls)



Black Pepper is a great ‘get-up-and-go’ oil that strengthens the nerves, combats apathy and fills you with courage and stamina.

Black Pepper is one of my favourite oils for boosting the circulation. It is particularly good for those who suffer with cold hands and cold feet. You can even add Black Pepper to one of my creams to make your own preventative chilblain cream. I like to use Black Pepper with Ginger.

Black Pepper expels wind, eases vomiting and encourages more regular bowel movements. It is also thought that it restores tone to the colon muscles. Black Pepper can even be useful for anyone who has overly used laxatives. It gets the colon going again!

A fabulous oil to use in the bath after over-exercising Black Pepper can help to remove lactic acid which can give rise to cramps. You can add 3 drops to 10mls (2 teaspoons) carrier oil and use as a leg rub. I have used Black Pepper extensively after sports injury to help the rehabilitation process.

On a spiritual level Black Pepper gives us support and strength. It encourages us to be steadfast as we progress along our spiritual pathways.

If the going gets tough and you feel you have had just about enough time for some Black Pepper!

Additional Information

Additional Information

Botanical Species Piper nigrum
Country of Origin India
Plant Part Dried, crushed black peppercorns
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Colour Clear to pale, greenish-yellow
Precautions None


Blends well with