Aromatherapy and Much More!

Dill Seed Essential Oil

Dill Seed Essential Oil

Availability: In stock

Digestive / Uplifting
Dill Seed

Dill Seed (10mls)

Dill Seed

Dill Seed (30mls)

Dill Seed

Dill Seed (100mls)



Dill is one of my favourite oils for the digestion.

It is wonderfully soothing oil for indigestion, flatulence and an irritable bowel. Use a warm compress using up to 6 drops for an adult and 2 drops for children to combat pains in the abdomen.

It is said that Dill seeds were chewed by early Americans to suppress their appetites during church services. So if you are trying to lose weight Dill may well help you.

Dill can be used by nursing mothers as it helps to increase the milk supply and increase energy levels whilst at the same time reducing colic in the baby.

Dill is a wonderfully uplifting oil which can instil feelings of hope and positivity.

On a spiritual level Dill helps to expand our consciousness and receive the blessings of the Archangels

Additional Information

Additional Information

Botanical Species Anethum graveolens
Country of Origin Hungary
Plant Part Seeds
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
Colour Pale yellow
Precautions Dill Seed is non-toxic and non-irritating. Nonetheless, it should be avoided during pregnancy.


Blends well with