Aromatherapy and Much More!

Melissa (True) Essential Oil

Melissa (True) Essential Oil

Availability: In stock

Allergies / Antidepressant / Soothing / Sedative / Uplifting

Melissa True (2.5mls)


Melissa True (5mls)


Melissa True (10mls)


Melissa True (30mls)



Melissa is frequently adulterated with Lemongrass, Lemon or Lemon Verbena being mixed with, or substituted for the genuine oil.

Although True Melissa is quite an expensive oil we do also sell the 'adulterated' Melissa type oil but of course, true Melissa is far superior.

On an emotional level Melissa banishes negativity, depression and fills one with hope and joy. True Melissa is one of the most effective oils for depression. Use one drop on a tissue and carry it around with you and inhale the aroma frequently.

It is excellent for high blood pressure and palpitations and is an overall tonic for the heart – whether the heart has been affected physically or emotionally.

Melissa also has a calming and regulating effect on the menstrual cycle, helping to regularise the pattern of ovulation where this is erratic. I also use it for couples who are having problems conceiving either on its own or with Rose and Geranium and Jasmine.

True Melissa can be used to treat herpes too. In Germany a cream is sold which contains Melissa and it is said to reduce the healing time and lengthen the time between attacks. Try making your own cream using just 3 drops of true Melissa to 10gms cream.

On a spiritual level True Melissa fills the spirit with joy.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Botanical Species Melissa officinalis
Country of Origin England
Plant Part Leaves and flowering tops.
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Colour Pale yellow to pale amber
Precautions Melissa is often adulterated with lemon, lemongrass or citronella and therefore take care with hypersensitive skins.


Blends well with