Oakmoss (Evernia prunastri) Essential Oil | Denise Brown

Oakmoss (5mls) Essential Oil


Evernia prunastri - 100% Pure essential oil

Respiratory, antiseptic, sedative, grounding, balancing, used as a fixative in perfumery.

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Of great importance in the perfume industry, there are very few high-class perfumes that do not have a hint of Oakmoss.

The deep, intense, tantalising, intriguing aroma of Oakmoss has been beguiling us for centuries and was favoured by the Egyptians, Romans and Native American Indians. I have discovered over the years that although it is not often used in aromatherapy, Oakmoss has a whole host of benefits – in my opinion just one drop is needed for every teaspoon (10mls) of carrier oil.

On a physical level use Oakmoss to boost the immune system (Bath, Shower/Oil burner), to combat bloating and constipation (massage abdomen), to relieve stiffness in joints and muscles (Bath/Shower /Massage) and is excellent for the lungs as it encourage deep breathing, expels mucus, alleviates throat problems and congested sinuses.

I love to use Oakmoss for ALL stress-related conditions as it helps us to feel peaceful and balanced and restores emotional stability. It is excellent for those who find it hard to express their true feelings. On a spiritual level Oakmoss helps to give you an insight into your soul and as you dive into the depths of your soul deep healing can take place.

This oil is one of almost 100 specialty / rare essential oils on the site.

If you have attended one of Denise's Archangel Workshops / Light Baths you may have already discovered and worked with this oil.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information about this oil's Archangel associations.

NB The bottle packaging differs with white non-transparent labels and no cap labels.


Data sheet

Botanical Species
Evernia Prunastri
Country of Origin
Plant Part
Extracted from the lichen
Extraction Method
Firstly by solvent extraction and then vacuum distillation
Very dark green - brownish green
None known

Oakmoss (5mls) Essential Oil
