Aromatherapy and Much More!

Hyacinth Absolute 'TYPE' (2.5mls) Oil

Hyacinth Absolute 'TYPE' (2.5mls) Oil

Availability: In stock

Mixture. No botanical name
Anxiety / Stress / Hypnotic / Sedative / Encourages creativity



A standardised blend of natural essential oils designed to generally replicate the profile and odour of true Hyacinth Absolute Oil. 
This oil is one of almost 100 rarer Archangel essential oils that are not on the general website. The packaging differs with white non-transparent labels and no cap labels as with the main range.  
If you have covered this particular oil on one of Denise's Archangel workshops and wish to purchase it then please proceed.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information about this oil's Archangel associations.