Aromatherapy and Much More!

Palmarosa Essential Oil

Palmarosa Essential Oil

Availability: In stock

Balancing / Uplifting / Revitalising

Palmarosa (10mls)


Palmarosa (30mls)


Palmarosa (100mls)



The sweet rosy aroma of Palmarosa is perfect for relaxing in the bath to soothe away the stresses and strains of a hard day.
Try 3 drops Palmarosa and 3 drops Geranium or 3 drops Palmarosa and 3 drops Ylang Ylang to restore your sanity!

Palmarosa is used to counter physical and nervous exhaustion, stress-related problems and nervousness. It is balancing, calming and uplifting and raises self-esteem and confidence.

Palmarosa is a good overall tonic for all the systems of the body and is a great pick-me-up after illness.

Palmarosa is renowned for its beneficial effects on the skin. It is ideal for all types of skin. Palmarosa is suitable for dry skin as well as oily skin since it balances the production of sebum. Dry skin lacking in moisture is due to the sebaceous glands not being active enough and therefore not producing enough sebum. Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum.

If you wish to make up a blend for dry skin try 3 drops Palmarosa, 2 drops Sandalwood, 2 drops Carrot Seed and 2 drops Rose in 30mls carrier oil or 30gms skin cream.  
Blends should ideally be stored in amber bottles or jars which can be found on this website.
If Rose is too expensive then use Geranium instead

For oily skin try a blend of 3 drops Palmarosa, 3 drops Cypress, 2 drops Lemon and 1 drop Cedarwood in 30mls carrier oil or 30gms carrier cream.

Palmarosa is also suitable for mature skin as it aids cellular regeneration.
Try 3 drops Palmarosa, 2 drops Neroli, 2 drops Frankincense and 2 drops Rose.
If Rose is too expensive then use Carrot Seed instead.

On a spiritual Level Palmarosa helps us to see our spiritual pathway and follow our destiny.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Botanical Species Cymbopogon martinii
Country of Origin India
Plant Part Fresh or dried grass / Leaves
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Colour Pale yellow to yellowish-green
Precautions None


Blends well with